Types of memory
Memory layout in C
Whenever program is compiled five types of memories are given to the program to carry out its function
· Text Segment
· Initialized data segment
· Uninitialized data segment
· Stack
· Heap
Text Segment-
Also known as the code segment
Contains executable instructions
Text segment is placed below stack and heap to prevent overflow
It is a read only memory so that it cannot be changed by accident
Initialize Data Segment-
Usually called Data Segment
It contains a static variables and global variables that are initialized by the program
It is a not a read only memory since it can be changed
Uninitialized Data segment-
Also known an bss segment (blog started by symbol)
It contains static and global variables which are initialized to zero or which are not explicitly initialized
It contains the local or automatic variables
Even every memory required by the recursive functions also some from the stack memory.
Heap memory is the segment where Dynamic memory allocation takes place
Heap area is shared by all the libraires and dynamically loaded modules in the process.
It has a disadvantage that it need to be manually freed thus leads to memory leaks or fault segment
Moreover variables allocated in stack memory are much faster to access than heap memory